It's a Peanut ButterBot!

My son and I previously watched the new Toopy & Binoo show (click here to find more about it) and in one of the episodes, they made a Peanut Butterbot. This little robot ended up coming to life, attracting a ship of several Peanut Butterbot's, coming to pick up their friend. They even made Peanut Butter sandwiches too :)
My son loved this part in the show, so we agreed to make our own little Peanut Butterbot! It turned out so cute, and my son had a lot of fun making it.

To make, we started with a cereal box turned inside out and glued back together. I let my son draw his butterbot's body before we glued it, for easier drawing stability. For the eyes, they are two plastic knifes with yellow pom poms glued to the top. Then we made the legs out of Lego towers hooked to a couple Lego squares holding the wheels in place, and then taped inside cardboard tubes. Because of the wheels, our Peanut Butterbot even rolled!! Such fun!

You can watch the Toopy & Binoo 
Peanut Butterbot video below, enjoy! :)

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