Shoe Tying Party

When my son was younger, I would throw different fun day parties for random "National" days... things like Nation Chocolate Covered Raisin Day,  Messy Monster Day, National Watermelon Day...ect. I use to be way more on top of the up and coming National " " Days but it seems like the older he gets, the less interested I become in throwing these days. I'm still trying to keep it up though because these make for some good memories!!

When he was 3, he stopped using the booster seat on the toilet so I threw him a "Swirl Day" where we celebrated his big manness to using the toilet like a big boy completely. So I hung swirls from the ceiling and made swirl shaped was a great day and a great memory.

Since he recently learned how to tie his shoes, I decided to throw him a "Shoe Tying Party". I made spaghetti and meat balls -and let him hear the song "on top of spaghetti- along with salad and garlic bread.  For a quick mini decoration, I made a bunch of shoe ties.

My son was surprised, though his reaction wasn't quite what I hoped for....But I know he will remember these fun days when he's older and will be grateful for them then!

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