Cooking in my Crockpot

Awhile back, I cashed in my points with Neilsen and got myself a crockpot. I hadn't used it up until recently because I hadn't a clue how! I've never used a crockpot before. So I started looking around finding recipes and gave it a shot. I started out with making crockpot fresh from the garden (from a friend), green beans. It was so simple! I used water and beef broth for the liquid and added in some sliced onions. I let these beans marinate and cook in the crockpot for hours,
allowing my home to smell delicious. They came out surprisingly good!!

Next round, I made beef stew in the crockpot. I added in all my vegetables..potatoes, onions, peppers, and carrots... with some water mixed with BBQ sauce, then added in my roast and sprinkled on some pepper, onion powder and Cajun. I cooked it all day long and smelled wonderful! The meat came apart easily and looked a little dry, but it tasted great.

Most recently I made Kraft's Hickory BBQ Beef Recipe Maker Meal, but with pork instead. It came out just like pulled pork and was sooo good on hamburger buns!! I'm very grateful to have received the free coupon from Safeway & Kraft to try it out. Kraft has so many good ideas, I can't wait to try more of their Recipe Maker meals, and continue to use my crockpot!

Any yummy crockpot recipes you care to share?

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