MorningStar Veggie *Bacon* Review

MorningStar Veggie Bacon strips is a great substitute if you're craving bacon but have given up meat. It has a bacon-y flavor, much like the taste of bacon bits and it cooks fast without the grease build up! That was my favorite part, the no grease splatters! lol. MorningStars bacon is made with 36% less fat that real pork bacon, it contains no cholesterol and only 60 calories per serving, which is two strips. If you're a true vegan, I would suggest you look at the ingredients to these meatless items as I noticed in the ingredients, the bacon contains milk and eggs.

I think MorningStar Veggie Bacon strips are alright. It has nothin on real bacon...but it's a doable substitute. It cooks really fast on the stove top so burning happens easily. And it's hard to tell when it's finished cooking because it doesn't bubble up or change color. It has a fake candy like bacon look to it lol. But makes for a nice morning meat to snack, preferably only a strip or two. When my son tried the bacon he said "Yummy! It taste like potatoes... actually it taste more like those potato bits." I said "you mean bacon bits?" He says "Ya! Except they're more in their upgraded form." So there you have it :) Even kids can enjoy meatless meals.

UPDATE:  I FINALLY got my carnivorous husband to try MorningStar's veggie Bacon! His response? "It taste like someone took a bunch of liquid smoke and put it in Styrofoam." lol and ya know...since he said that, I can see that! haha... I can only eat a max of 3 strips of the bacon, (which is totally fine anyway) because it starts making my stomach hurt. My son loves it still though, even when he found out it was fake! :)

You can find MorningStar on their website and Facebook.

 This post is possible by Bzzagent in providing me a coupon for a discount to purchase products to test and review. All opinions are my own.

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